Planned Parenthood advocates against:
- Mandatory reporting laws when sexual abuse of minors is suspected.
- Parental consent laws regarding (1) abortion for minors, (2) contraception, (3) instruction in sexual education. They consider these to be barriers to “reproductive rights.”
- Laws requiring HIV-positive youth to inform their sexual partners they are infected with HIV.
- Safety and health requirements for abortion clinics.
- Any restrictions on abortion.
- Laws defining marriage as only between a man and a woman.
- Abstinence-based sex-education policies.
- Age of consent laws for minors.
- Laws restricting consensual sex of any kind.
- Conscience clauses that allow doctors and pharmacists to refuse to prescribe or dispense abortafacient drugs or to perform abortions against their beliefs.
Planned Parenthood advocates for:
- Abolishing any restrictions on abortion including on partial birth abortion.
- Mandatory comprehensive sexuality education for minors without parental consent.
- Sexual rights that include unrestricted sexual freedom for all at any age.
- The right of both children and adults to experience sexual pleasure.
- The liberalization of all gender and sexual norms in society.
- The legalization of same-sex marriage.
- Gay, lesbian, transsexual, and bisexual rights.
- Cross-sex hormones for gender-confused minors without parental notification or consent.
- Bans on therapy to help minors with unwanted same-sex attraction.
- The liberalization of pornography laws.
- Peer-to-peer sexuality education.
- Instructing children on masturbation.
- Lowering of age of consent laws.
- The legalization of prostitution.
- Destigmatization of “men who have sex with men.”